Work motivation as a strategic development tool for the Greek forest service departments: Evidence from the region of Macedonia and Thrace
Competitive advantage, Strategy, Work motivation.Abstract
Attaining objectives might be difficult for the Greek Public Administration, which makes it essential to use for effective motivational tactics to raise staff performance and for realization of the organization's mission. It is considered that the public sector's human resources are its most valuable asset, it is deemed essential to motivate employees based on their unique qualities. Hence, the purpose of this work is to justify the factors that contribute to the commitment and improvement of the employees’ performance occupied in the Greek Forest Services of Macedonia-Thrace Region. All employees of the aforementioned services were asked to complete a questionnaire with the intention of learning more about what drives them, which is crucial information for academics and policymakers alike. From the results of the research emerged, that the most important motivational factor is the employees’ need to work for the common good and be part of an important vision. The ability to take initiative and participate in decision-making, the recognition of employee’s contributions and feedback on the results of their work, the recognition of their needs as parents and as individuals, and the fact that their department's management and their co-workers value them as people are all significant motivating factors. The aforementioned findings provide Greek policymakers with an effective instrument for enhancing the performance of public services.

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