Mitigating Cyber Sexual Harassment: An Insight from India
Cyber sexual harassment, Internet, VictimAbstract
Cyber Sexual Harassment (CSH) can be defined as the use of the internet to make uninvited advances, communications or interactions with another person or entity. This can be in various forms like unsolicited posts and comments on social media sites, emails, texts, graphic images and posts directed at the victim, instant messaging etc. This study mainly focuses on finding out the awareness about gender based cyber sexual harassment so that the perception of women on cyber-crime with reference to Indian psyche and their awareness level can be understood. It tries to find gaps between the perception and reality of these incidents and finally develop a preliminary self-help model to follow before pursuing legal action. The findings of the research will draw a path for women to understand that they should not ignore the harasser if they fall a prey to CSH and be sensitized with the action to be taken in such cases.